Gifted and Talented Education Program » GATE


GATE Components at Elementary Schools

Pull-out Program - An enrichment class taught by a credentialed GATE teacher meets 45-minutes each week beginning in mid-August.  This program takes place during the instructional day.  Students are pulled out of non-academic part of their school day.  Grades 4, 5 and 6 have separate sessions.  Students engage in interactive lessons, experiments and activities in the areas of biology, physics, chemistry, social influences, etc. They also set goals and gain insight about their learning styles.

 Math Olympiad - Students at all three sites have the opportunity to participate in Math sessions held after school and prepare for math competitions by parents.  This activity challenges students who love math and allows them to compete with students across the nation.  

After School GATE Gatherings - Students have the opportunity to meet once a month after school for an hour to listen to guest speakers and participate in project-based learning.  The GATE teacher facilitates these sessions.

For more information please visit the District's Gifted and Talented Education Program pages by clicking the link to the right.