Palm Crest Elementary

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Palm Crest Elementary Quick Links

Aeries Communication emails 

News, updates, announcements from the principal. Check Aeries here.

Aeries Communication emails, SMS, and phone calls

Communication from the Principal or Assistant Principal regarding emergency communication. All three modes will be used for these types of messages. 

Palm Crest Website 

General news and announcements, also updates about school closures (in conjunction with Aeries Communication)

Social Media

Twitter @pcrpanthers

Instagram @pcrpanthers

General promotional and good news items. May be used to reinforce messages about school closures or news. This will always be a backup of what is shared via Aeries Communication or posted on websites when relating emergency communication. 

Palm Crest Teachers and Staff 

Classroom teachers share updates via email or classroom websites.

Thursday Folders

School updates, PTA events, and district communication such as the Family Learning Series events are shared weekly in the Thursday folders.

PantherCast Videos 

Student news and announcements.

Palm Crest PTA Website and Newsletter  

News and updates related to PTA sponsored events or happenings along with the newsletter supporting with reminders about school events.